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365 Days of Moisture for Dry & Parched Hair

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365 Days of Moisture for Dry & Parched Hair

Abi Faniran


Adult (25+), New Adult (18-30)

Release Date: February 2020

365 Days of Moisture for Dry and Parched Hair is the fourth book in the popular Healthy Hair Care Series – natural hair care books for black hair. Do you find yourself experiencing dry and parched hair no matter what you do or how many products you apply? Are you newly natural and trying to figure out your way through the right regimen, products and recipes? Are you transitioning and need all the help you can get? 365 Days of Moisture for Dry and Parched Hair offers the best solutions for you to achieve and maintain moisture on your hair every day of the year and longer. Some of the indispensable information in 365 Days of Moisture for Dry and Parched Hair includes: - In-depth breakdown of what causes dry and parched hair - Best hair care practices for moisture retention on even the driest of hair - Hairstyles that will keep your hair moisturized for longer - How to select the best healthy natural hair products for your hair type without bursting your wallet. Perfect for the budget- conscious naturalista - Building a regimen targeted towards moisture retention - Incredible DIY recipes created for moisture retention Workbook for building and keeping track of a functional regimen that works for your hair type and hair growth goals and so much more… That’s just the tip of this invaluable hair care treasure trove, which is a must-have for anyone struggling with dry hair. Other subjects covered include natural hair recipes, natural hair care and natural hair product recommendations – all presented in an easy to digest format without technical babble. Bonuses Worth Over $80 Included! 365 Days of Moisture for Dry and Parched Hair also includes the following bonuses: - 95 Foods for Healthy Hair Care and Growth - Your Hair Dairy and Planner (adapted specifically for this book) - Discounts on all the other books in the Healthy Hair Care Series

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